Recipe: Wonton Crunch
Happy Hump Day Everyone! Boy I am sure looking forward to this weekend! Since this past weekend was very busy and the start to the week has not slowed down, I am looking forward to having nothing scheduled for this upcoming weekend. Now it just needs to get here and be Friday already! Until then I thought I would share a recent discovery of mine (my boss introduced me to it actually!). This amazing discovery is Wonton Wrappers. Yes you heard it, the crispy wrapping that makes up a traditional Wonton can actually do many more things. You can buy Wonton Wrappers in your grocery store (I found them located by the pre-made salads or in the Asian vegetable area) and you can make them in to amazing chips/crackers. Once they are made they are seriously the crunchiest things you will ever have! They will fill that crunch craving better than anything else! I prepared mine two different ways, but really the options are endless! So here we go!
Salt, Pepper and Parmesan Wonton Chips
You will need:
- Wonton Wrappers
- Olive Oil
- Salt and Pepper (coarse salt works better)
- Parmesan Cheese and a small grater
- Baking Sheet
- Pizza Cutter (or knife)
- Brush (for olive oil)
To begin set your oven to 350°C and grab a baking sheet. Open the Wonton Wrapper package and begin to peel each individual wrapper (keep peeling because they are very thin). Lay out as many wrappers as your baking sheet can fit without over lapping. Use a knife or pizza cutter and slice each one in half (diagonally works best). Then grab a brush and dip it in olive oil and coat the side facing up with oil. The wrapper doesn't need to be completely covered in oil, just a light dusting will do! Then sprinkle salt (a generous amount), pepper and grate parmesan cheese right over each wrapper. Next flip each wrapper over and repeat those same steps (dust with oil, salt, pepper and parmesan). Then place the wrappers in your oven for 10 minutes, checking them every so often. Once the wrappers are a medium to dark brown colour they are good to go! Let them cool and enjoy! They can be eaten all on their own, or used as chips with some dip!
Cinnamon Brown Sugar Wonton Crisps
You will need:
- Wonton Wrappers
- Butter (melted)
- Cinnamon
- Brown Sugar
- White Sugar
- Baking Sheet
- Pizza Cutter (or knife)
- Brush (for butter)
Again set your oven to 350°C and grab a baking sheet. Open the Wonton Wrappers and start peeling each one and placing them on your baking sheet. Cut each one in half diagonally. Melt some butter (the amount depends on how many you make) and brush it on to the wrappers (similar to the olive oil). Again the wrappers don't need to be covered in butter just a light brushing. Then in a bowl mix cinnamon, brown sugar and white sugar together. Again depending on how many you make will change the amount of ingredients needed. Try to stick to your mixture being 1/2 Brown Sugar, 1/4 Cinnamon and 1/4 White Sugar. Once each wrapper is dusted with butter, sprinkle your sugar and cinnamon mixture over each wrapper. Then flip the wrappers over and repeat those same steps (butter, sprinkle with sugar/cinnamon). Place them in the oven for 10 minutes. Once they are a medium to dark brown colour they are ready. These are a great snack all by themselves to fill that crunch craving and that sweet craving!

Some things to keep in mind:
- The time given of 10 minutes is very accurate, I have made a few batches and leave them in the oven with the timer set to 10 minutes. Each time they come out perfect at the 10 minute mark.
- Once in the oven the wrappers do not need to be flipped.
- Try not to use a lot of butter on the Cinnamon Brown Sugar ones as I find they can get a little greasy afterwards!
Hopefully you can make these sometime soon and enjoy them either with dip or all on their own! Be careful though, they are very addicting! Here's to getting through Wednesday and the rest of the week!
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